Make Oprah’s Deviled Eggs for Your Next Summer Picnic

If you’re a die-hard mustard lover, listen up.

Oprah Winfrey smiles widely in front of a background of floating deviled egg graphics.

KCM/Giovanna Chung, Getty Images

OK, serious question: Is it just us, or is every season Deviled Egg Season? Think about it: They’re perfect as a New Year’s Eve party hors devour, they’re scrumptious as a Christmas appetizer, and they do heavy lifting at Easter brunch. But in our heart of hearts, we absolutely adore deviled eggs for summer. They’re a light, chilled treat that’s ideal for a sunny day potluck, picnic, or barbecue (after all, you need something to munch on while the meat cooks). They even work as a simple post-pickleball pick-me-up. They also require minimal cooking time: Hard boiling the eggs is by far the hardest step. Plus, after just a little mixing, dolloping, and chilling, you’re rewarded with a rich, savory snack that’s made to share.

It’s possible that you have an old stand-by deviled egg method, but here’s a good chance to shake things up. The media queen Oprah Winfrey has a favorite recipe that can easily revitalize your eggs — and if we’re going to be egg-influenced, who better to lead us than the legendary TV host, actress, producer, and activist herself?

These eggs stand apart because they’ve got a decent level of spice and tang. The two tablespoons of mustard and dash of Tabasco (or the hot sauce of your choice) add a decent amount of kick. But all that heat is balanced by a zesty tablespoon of minced sweet pickle (pro-tip: If you don’t feel like mincing, use store-bought relish instead). Reminder: If you’re heat sensitive, add the mustard a little bit at a time and stop whenever you feel comfortable doing so.

If you’re headed out to a party or potluck, you’re good to go. If you’re hosting, though, you can keep things light and easy by crafting your own salad with a homemade vinaigrette and plenty of fresh, seasonal produce. Whatever you do, these deviled eggs will ensure that your meal turns out eggcellent (um, sorry).

Oprah Winfrey’s Deviled Eggs

12 large eggs
3 Tbsp. mayonnaise
2 Tbsp. mustard
1 Tbsp. minced sweet pickle
1 dash Worcestershire sauce
salt & fresh ground pepper
1 dash lemon juice
1 dash horseradish sauce
1-2 dash Tabasco sauce
2 Tbsp. chopped parsley
2 Tbsp. paprika (garnish)

Hard boil eggs.
Cut each in half lengthwise.
Remove yolks and place in a bowl with all other ingredients; mix well.
Spoon into egg whites and sprinkle with parsley & paprika.
Cover and refrigerate at least one hour or more.
Serve chilled.