Like it or not, where we choose to live impacts our quality of life. We’ve previously reviewed lists of the most sustainable cities and cities that are the safest. We’ve found the happiest cities, the cheapest cities for buying a home, and the most generous cities and states. We’ve also evaluated which communities are the best for retirement — a must-read for anyone relocating in their later years.
But here’s another aspect to consider when deciding where to settle down: How do people age in that region? It’s a tricky question, considering that a whole host of factors play into how we age. To try and narrow down the quality of aging in different states, researchers from digital health companies DoFasting and Kilo Health compiled 2022’s Healthy Aging Index Report. To gather the data, they considered demographics, economics, behavioral aspects, healthcare, and mental health. Of course, each of these categories includes different factors, too; “demographics” considers education, retirement, crime rate, retirement age, newborn mortality, and fertility. On the other hand, “mental health” includes marriage rates, divorce rates, loneliness, mental well-being, and suicide rates. In other words, the report tries to cover as much ground as possible.
Spoiler alert: According to this index, Utah has the best score for healthy aging. Unfortunately, Mississippi trails behind with the lowest score. Keep in mind that none of these metrics are meant to judge your personal journey, though — if you’re thriving in Mississippi or have felt unhealthy living in Utah, no one can undercut those experiences. Geography isn’t everything.
Of course, if you’re looking to relocate in coming years (or decades) and want to choose a destination that may help you continue to be your healthiest self, this list can help you choose which states to favor and which to avoid.
2022 Healthy Aging Index by State
- Utah
- Colorado
- Massachusetts
- Connecticut
- Minnesota
- New Jersey
- California
- Washington
- Hawaii
- New York
- Virginia
- Maryland
- New Hampshire
- Nebraska
- Illinois
- Montana
- Idaho
- Oregon
- Vermont
- Alaska
- North Dakota
- Wisconsin
- Iowa
- Wyoming
- Rhode Island
- Maine
- Kansas
- Pennsylvania
- Delaware
- Florida
- Arizona
- South Dakota
- Texas
- Georgia
- North Carolina
- Ohio
- Indiana
- Missouri
- Nevada
- Michigan
- South Carolina
- New Mexico
- Oklahoma
- Tennessee
- Arkansas
- Alabama
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- West Virginia
- Mississippi