
Feeling Achy? Try Ryan Cooper’s Yoga for Back Pain

James Dimmock

A 13-minute sequence of poses meant to stretch and soothe.

You know that yoga is good for you. You’ve heard that it promotes an overall sense of well-being — just like a dose of meditation is seemingly supposed to bring about a sense of calm and joy and a glass of green juice can help cleanse your system. But all talk aside, did you know that you can also use yoga to target — and treat — very specific pains and ailments? That’s why we’re starting our day off with Ryan Cooper’s yoga for back pain.

Cooper has introduced yoga that can help us wake up invigorated or relieve our debilitating neck pain (that may have been caused by sitting and looking down at a device). Now, as mentioned, he’s designed a specific set of postures that tackle that terrible, achy feeling in your back. 

And in case you were wondering, there is proof that integrating yoga into your life can really make a difference. A 2016 study found that participants who underwent flexibility training experienced a 58 percent improvement in back pain. Which means relief of stiffness and improved range of motion. What’s not to love about that?

“This is good for the back pain that we often get from our computer-sitting,” Cooper confirms at the start of his quick, 13-minute video tutorial. 

Cooper states that, as usual, you won’t need much equipment for this sequence. You’ll need an exercise mat, but a yoga block and strap are optional, he says. 

Once you’re set-up, you’ll launch into a gentle yet energizing series of poses. After lying flat to get in touch with your body, you’ll do some comprehensive leg stretches. Then, you’ll flow into a bridge pose that will lightly challenge you to stretch your hips and pelvis. From there, you’ll continue engaging your lower body deeply to feel intense yet gentle stretching. Trust us, you’ll be feeling better long before saying namaste

Loving that post-yoga high? Cooper’s full programs include more of these wellness routines, alongside high-intensity workouts, nutritional advice, and — on some levels — one-on-one training. Plus, he’s cutting a deal for Katie Couric Media readers who want to continue working with him: Just use the code KCM50 to get 50 percent off any package on Cooper’s site