Katie’s Going To Be a Grandmother! See the Moment She Learned the Good News

“I have to be honest, at first I had mixed feelings.”

Katie Couric Ellie Monahan

KCM / Getty

Last August, as we were about to get dressed to go see Taylor Swift at SoFi stadium, my girls surprised me with a very special friendship bracelet they’d made, to deliver some very exciting news. After squinting at it for a bit, I finally got it: Ellie was pregnant! That’s why the bracelet said “Granny 2 Be.”

OMG. I’m going to be a grandmother!!! I knew she and Mark were hoping to have a baby soon, but the news was nonetheless surprising. Here’s the moment I found out:

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A grandmother! I have to be honest, at first I had mixed feelings. I mean, to be a grandmother means you’ve reached a certain stage of your life: That you would soon be using this emoji 👵🏼, that you really are looking like the actors on the Medicare and Metamucil commercials, that you’re on the “back nine,” as Molner would say. It does seem like yesterday I was holding Ellie in my arms and she was an itty-bitty thing.

Me and my mom with baby Ellie.

But my trepidation was quickly replaced by excitement — and confirmed by my friends who have already embraced their “grand” status, and shared some words of wisdom:

“It’s all the fun and none of the work!”

“You can spoil them rotten and become their favorite person in the world!”

“Ice cream for breakfast!”

“You get to give them back!” 

For now, I’m marveling at Ellie’s growing stomach. She’s due on March 23, so it won’t be too long! I’m still trying to figure out my grandma name, but I’m pretty sure it won’t be that. My mom was Granny, but that reminds me of The Beverly Hillbillies (God, I am old!) and someone who can’t read without her glasses…oops, I guess that is me. One of my friends suggested GILFIE (don’t worry, that’s not actually in the running!) 

I’m going to be reaching out for advice and all kinds of ideas from my Wake-Up Call readers who’ve already walked this path. But for now — can you believe it????