Katie’s Shop Made the News! Watch Katie Talk About Two Inspiring Founders

Marissa Goldstein and Lynne O'Brien

Katie and Shop brand founders sat down with WCVB to talk about the inspiration behind their businesses.

We started Katie’s Shop to help purpose-driven brands get their stories out, and our efforts got a boost from Boston’s Chronicle this Wednesday. 

The segment featured two Boston-area businesses, Line in the Sand and Rafi Nova, and the women who founded them. And Katie sat down with Chronicle’s Shayna Seymour to discuss the mission of Katie’s Shop. 

Line in the Sand founder Lynne O’Brien talked about her diagnosis of leukemia, which prompted her decision to dive into the retail world and create protective swimwear that would allow her to keep doing what she loved. Marissa Goldstein, founder of Rafi Nova, told her family’s story of raising two (two!) sets of twins while traveling the world, and the handmade textiles that inspired her business. 

Read more about them and our other rockstar brands and pick up some goodies for yourself in Katie’s Shop!