What Is Micro-Misting? This New Skincare Tool Could Revolutionize Your Routine

Not seeing results from your current skincare routine? This innovative device may make a world of difference.

woman using Droplette device on her face

It seems like every time we turn on the TV, there’s an ad for the “next best thing in skincare.” Usually, it’s a topical serum or mask, with a celebrity boasting about how after just two weeks of use, your skin will be transformed. (The latest offender? Jared Leto.) Unfortunately, there’s no magic recipe when it comes to lotions and potions…if there was, we’re pretty sure the secret would be out. One of the reasons for this is that a huge amount of the ingredients in topical treatments never actually absorb into your skin — they just get wiped or perspired away. For some of us with expensive taste in skincare, that might be hundreds of dollars you’re wasting every month.

If you have a few thousand bucks to spare, you can try laser treatment. Unfortunately, you usually have to do more than one round, and even a laser won’t stop new skin issues from arising.

Before you fall down an “inexpensive laser treatment” rabbithole on Google search or subscribe to dozens of skincare YouTube channels, let us save you some time and introduce you to Droplette: a small-but-mighty skincare infusion system that gets ingredients into (not just onto) your skin, without needles or pain, all from the comfort of your own home. And each session takes only one minute! We always proceed with caution when it comes to at-home beauty treatments (we weren’t of the camp who cut and colored their own hair during quarantine), but we couldn’t resist this. 

Droplette was initially created to administer medicine for pediatric patients suffering from a debilitating skin disease, so it’s super gentle. It was created by MIT Scientists, funded by NASA, and has been used in four clinical trials as well as in studies at Walter Reed, Tufts Medical Center, MIT, and the VA. And luckily, it sounds like you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to use it.

So…how does Droplette work its magic?

The small-but-mighty Droplette device.

Remember how we told you that your favorite serum is just coating rather than penetrating your face right now? That’s because ingredients like collagen are too big to pass through the layers of skin on your face. That’s where those scientists behind Droplette come in: They figured out how to solve this problem using physics.

Droplette transforms serums into a powerful micro-mist of tiny particles less than one micron in diameter that “inject” into your skin. While we aren’t totally sure how big a micron is, apparently it’s small enough and fast enough to get 20 times deeper than a topical treatment. Those smaller particles are also more concentrated, which means even more skin-friendly ingredients are able to penetrate the skin via this unique, non-invasive micro-mist.

The device itself is very cute and chic-looking and comes in five colors so you can match your bathroom color scheme. Once you’ve chosen your device, you’ll load it with serum capsules (think of it like loading a Nespresso machine with pods) based on your skincare needs. You can choose a curated routine — the Radiant Detox, Ultra Hydrate, or Wrinkle Repair — where you’re sent a bi-weekly shipment of 28 capsules full of all the good stuff to make your skin happy and healthy. If you’d rather go rogue, they’ve got capsules with everything from the Collagen Hydrofiller, which will keep your skin plump and youthful, to the Tranexamic Eraser, which targets hyperpigmentation and helps the appearance of even the most stubborn dark spots.

Droplette isn’t cheap — it’s going to set you back about 300 bucks for the device, plus the cost of capsules. But think of it as an investment: It’s much less expensive than laser treatment, and if 90 percent of your serum isn’t getting into your skin, you’re basically just sweating that money away. With tens of thousands of satisfied users, we say bring on the micro-mist.

For an exclusive 20 percent discount on Droplette, enter code KCMDROP20