How Taking 7,000 Steps Every Day Could Help Save Your Life 

This new benchmark could make all the difference. 

mother and child walking

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Walking that magical 10,000 steps per day has long been thought of as the optimal goal for staying fit, but a new study suggests that you can walk less and still reap some major health benefits. 

A study published in The Lancet medical journal found that men and women aged 60 and over who take around 7,000 steps a day slashed their mortality risk by as much as 50 percent. Walking more is also beneficial for younger people — those who walked at least 8,000 steps a day saw a similar outcome. 

These findings are also consistent with previous data — in fact, a study conducted by researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst came to the exact same conclusion

We break down what the study found, why these findings matter, and how and how you can get more steps into your everyday life. 

What else did the study find?

Researchers didn’t find any added benefits to taking more than 9,000 steps a day, and in fact, the perks of walking any further plateaued beyond that point. 

But even just a small increase can make a major difference. Amanda Paluch, a lead researcher on the study, told Axios that “it’s not an all or nothing situation” when it comes to walking. In fact, he says even just increasing your daily step count to 5,000 to 7,000 can reduce the chances of premature death by 40 percent. 

What are the benefits of walking every day?

There are a number of upsides to making sure you get your walk in every day: It not only strengthens your heart and eases joint pain but it also boosts your energy and immune system. There are some mental health benefits, too: Walking helps improve not only your self-esteem and mood, but also reduces stress and tension. 

“Walking benefits nearly every cell in the body,” Paluch said. 

Plus, there’s not even a gym membership or fee required — all you need is a supportive pair of shoes and the great outdoors. 

What are some easy ways to get those extra steps in? 

Whether it’s to your apartment or office, the beauty of starting a walking routine is that you can get your steps in anywhere, though many found it harder to do over the last two years, especially with quarantine.

How to fit in more steps daily? Instead of taking the elevator, try the stairs instead. Another trick is parking your car further out from your destination or getting off of public transport a stop earlier. Maybe instead of a coffee date with a friend, you two can BYO your java and stroll around chatting instead. Have a Zoom meeting that doesn’t necessarily need video? Try turning it into a phone call, and walking during it. No matter how you work in your steps, don’t forget to track your progress, whether by app or pedometer.

Just remember that every little bit counts, even when each activity seems insignificant. “These small tactics could lead to incremental increases in your steps and therefore may benefit your health,” said Paluch.