It was a full-circle moment: For the third stop on her Going There tour, Katie headed back to D.C., where she grew up! But there was no time to stop by the house where she lived as a kid, or the high school she attended back then — she had a show to put on, and boy, did she deliver. On stage, Katie was joined by brilliant journalists Nikole Hannah-Jones and Kara Swisher, for a dazzling convo about the memoir and so much more.
Want to see how it all went down? We’ve got you covered with an inside look at the D.C. leg of the Going There tour. (And if you haven’t yet nabbed a ticket to an upcoming show, here’s where to get one!)
Take a look at the highlights from this truly inspiring night:
And here’s even more behind-the-scenes views from the D.C. show. First, Katie pulled into town as cool as a cucumber (via an Amtrak train, no less):

At D.C.’s beautiful Anthem, she and Molner chatted about the teleprompter:

Side note: We need all of the tour merch. #waterfallbangs

After she got glammed up, Katie started signing books and gabbing with fans:

Then it was high time to hit the stage:

Katie and Kara Swisher had plenty to discuss, including Facebook’s brand-new name:

And she regaled the crowd with stirring stories, as usual:

Want to read all the funny, thoughtful, moving, and ultra-juicy stories in Going There, the book on everyone‘s lips? Get a copy for yourself, then listen to the latest episode of Next Question, where Katie talks about her wild and wonderful career, the sexism she faced in the news business, and the moment she realized she wanted to start a family.
Want to see what Katie packed for her tour? Wonder no more: Check out all the wearable must-haves and accessories she brought along on her journey. Her next show will be in Philadelphia on Monday 11/1 with Savannah Guthrie — pick up your tickets now!