
Got 2 Minutes To Spare? Try Ryan Cooper’s Brisk Full-Body Workout

James Dimmock

Plus, Cooper puts John Molner to the test.

Let’s face it: We’re all busy. Between work, family obligations, and concern over the state of the world, it’s hard enough to find time to breathe — let alone hit the gym. That’s why our resident fitness guru, Ryan Cooper, devised a plan to help those of us short on time. In this handy at-home workout video, Cooper walks us through two minutes of fast-paced, high-intensity exercise that can make all the difference in your day.

If you’ve been duped by flashy fitness gimmicks before, there’s a chance you’re a bit suspicious. How much can you even get done in an under-5-minute workout? you’re thinking. Well, a 2022 study found that two-minute bursts of exercise can be incredibly beneficial in terms of disease prevention. Participants who exercised at one- to two-minute intervals each day had a reduced cardiovascular mortality risk and a reduced risk of dying from cancer. That’s a pretty solid health boost if you ask us!

And once you’re onboard, it’s as easy as pressing play — seriously, you won’t even have the time to talk yourself out of the workout because Cooper immediately launches into clear, straightforward instructions. You’ll start out with a quick stretch, then begin planking. Before you can complain about how hard it is to plank, you’ll press down into a push-up. Then, you’ll stand up again and immediately repeat the cycle. 

As mentioned, Cooper isn’t demonstrating these moves alone — he ropes John and Henry Molner into the workout. Why not copy Cooper and draft some semi-willing friends, family members, or co-workers into your routine? After all, the more the merrier!

When you’re through sweating, you may even start craving a longer burn. Luckily, Cooper is cutting a deal for Katie Couric Media readers: Using the promo code KCM50, you can get 50 percent off Cooper’s fitness packages. That includes longer workouts, meditation guidance, yoga sessions, nutritional advice, and — at some levels — one-on-one training. Soon, you’ll be a fitness guru in the making.