Full Plate

Katie Tries Her Hand at the Famed Kale and White Bean Salad from Erewhon Market

Take a trip to Los Angeles without leaving your house.


Our culinary queen is back on the kitchen scene to whip up another incredible recipe — and this is one you might have already heard about yourself.

This kale and white bean salad hails from Erewhon Market, which Katie aptly describes as “that fancy grocery store in Los Angeles where all the celebrities go.” The salad is so good that it’s gained popularity online, even among those who don’t live close enough to visit the market themselves, so it comes with high expectations.

Katie found this particular recipe while engaging in one of her favorite pastimes: scrolling Instagram for mouthwatering food videos. This one comes from Kat Can Cook (AKA Kathleen Ashmore), who has the full recipe on her website — and she adds that it’s one of the most popular she’s ever posted, even though it isn’t actually her own creation.

In the video above, follow along with Katie as she makes her very own version of this delectable dish — and has a lot of fun massaging the kale in the process. Her final verdict? “Delicious!”