

Complete with a revolutionary compound and plenty of brain-boosting ingredients, Update improves your energy, focus, and cognitive function without the drawbacks of caffeine.

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About Update

Whether you opt for a cup (or two, or three) of coffee, a latte, an iced tea, or an energy drink, odds are high that you’re drinking at least one caffeinated beverage every day. For a lot of people, however, the negative side effects of caffeine — like jitters, increased anxiety, crashes, and disrupted sleep — outweigh the benefits. In search of something better, four friends teamed up with leading scientists to develop Update, an energy drink that ditches the caffeine altogether for a side-effect-free boost. It relies on paraxanthine, a metabolite of caffeine that promotes wakefulness and alertness — alongside a supporting cast of ingredients like L-theanine, vitamin B12, and taurine — to deliver sustainable energy and focus.

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Why we love them

If you’re like us, you’ve tried just about every iteration of caffeine on the market, always thinking that this one will work better. If your efforts have been in vain (or you’re just in need of something to shake up your normal caffeine routine), Update could be your perfect match. Unlike other energy drinks on the market, Update is low in calories and tastes like a seltzer than syrup: It contains just enough natural sweetener to make it taste good, instead of sickeningly sweet. It comes in four flavors — berry, lime, mandarin, and peach: We highly recommend the variety pack, so you can sample each delicious option. 

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