If you’ve needed a quick boost of reassurance in the past few years, chances are you’ve turned to the wise words of rapper, pop star, classical flutist, and overall tastemaker Lizzo. Known for lyrics like “I’ma marry me one day” and “Got me, it’s the only thing I’ll ever need,” Lizzo has been on a one-woman mission to lead by example so that the rest of us can learn to appreciate our own bodies and vibrant personalities. So far, she’s been able to help us heal while also performing ridiculously catchy flute solos. Talk about a multitasker.
When she’s not busy winning Grammys or oozing confidence all over social media, Lizzo is committed to reshaping the fashion industry in her image. This year, she launched Yitty, a line of “no-shame, smile-inducing shapewear designed for all body types from size 6X to XS, centered around self-love.” We were so smitten with her cute, flashy, supportive leggings that we raved about them in our recent shapewear roundup.
Since she’s so set on modeling a defiantly fun and fulfilling lifestyle, it shouldn’t be surprising that she’s been sharing refreshing and easy recipes, too. Lizzo has often taken to TikTok to demonstrate her favorite meals — and as a devout vegan, Lizzo keeps these meals incredibly veggie-heavy. Think vegan goat cheese pasta, arugula pizza, and jackfruit enchiladas. Our personal favorite, though, is the super approachable collard green turkey wraps.
These wraps are a total breeze: They come together in about 30 seconds. All you need is a raw collard green leaf (or two or three, depending on how many people are eating or how hungry you are), a turkey slice, a pickle spear, cream cheese, hummus, olive oil, salt, and pepper. Lizzo uses vegan dairy and meat substitutes, but this tastes just as good with the real thing. After a quick assembly, you need to roll up the wrap, which is probably the hardest part. If you’re a visual learner, take a look at the video. If you’re not a visual learner, you should still take a look at the video. Seriously. Lizzo’s gentle narration is so soft and soothing that one TikTok user commented, “I feel like I just walked out of church.” Amen.
Lizzo’s Collard Green and Turkey Wraps Recipe
Serves 1
1 raw collard green leaf
1 pickle spear
1 turkey slice
Hummus to taste
Cream cheese to taste
Olive Oil
Lay the collard green flat. Evenly smear with hummus and cream cheese to taste.
Lay the turkey slice flat on top of the condiments.
Top with the pickle spear.
Drizzle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper to taste.
Fold the top and bottom edges of the leaf inwards. Starting at one of the unfolded edges, slowly roll the leaf into a cylinder shape around the ingredients.