Ryan Cooper’s Dynamic Yet Simple Stretching Routine Will Optimize Your Workout

Watch him teach his favorite strengthening moves to a very special guest.

If you’ve been following the Going Strong series, then you know that fitness coach and entrepreneur Ryan Cooper is passionate about teaching accessible, at-home workouts. From heat-generating upper body exercises to mindful yoga routines, his philosophy enables you to get in touch with your body wherever you may be (whether that’s your kitchen, your office, or a hotel conference room). So it makes perfect sense that his stretching advice is effective yet no-fuss — all you’ll need is a simple mat for support. 

In this short and snappy four-minute YouTube video, Cooper teaches his holy grail stretches to our own John Molner. Some of these positions probably look familiar, but Cooper’s pointers will help you see new possibilities in these old favorites. 

“The key to getting lean and strong muscles is stretching,” Cooper tells Molner before they launch into a lunge. We know what you’re probably thinking — you’ve done lunges countless times before, so why do you need a tutorial? But Cooper gives careful, expert instructions on how to optimize the classic stretch by pushing into your front heel to activate your quad. Plus, he has further directions for using the position of your knee to open up your hips. Everyone needs a refresher course now and then, and we’re happy Cooper is here to provide one.

Next, they take a turn at flossing — and no, not the dental kind. Instead, Cooper and Molner stand with their arms held out wide and alternate turning their fists up and down; this simple movement opens up the shoulders. Plus, Cooper gives instructions on how to find your center so that you can activate your core as you go (he also gives some helpful advice on variations you can play around with). As Molner points out, a round of flossing might help you add another 10 yards to your golf swing. 

They finish up with a pigeon stretch. This time-honored yoga position requires you to come into a low lunge, bend one knee and rest it on the mat, then slowly extend your foot into a right angle at the top of your mat. If you’re like Molner — who groans nervously at the sight of this position — then just take it slowly. The journey is the destination, some might say. 

Still yearning to deepen your stretches? Check out Cooper’s full fitness programs to receive even more detailed instructions on everything from breathing to Pilates. Just use the code KCM50 to get 50 percent off any package on the site. Then you’ll really get pumped.