Which Cinema Superstar Is Bill Gates’s Celebrity Crush?

The tech mastermind tells all in a lightning round with Katie.

Bill Gates

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As the co-founder of Microsoft, the world’s 15th-richest person, and the author of a brand-new book called Source Code: My Beginnings — to name only a few accolades — it’s safe to say Bill Gates is an irregularly busy man. But he wasn’t too overscheduled to make time to talk with Katie for the latest episode of her podcast, Next Question.

Their robust and riveting full conversation goes live on Thursday, Feb. 6, but we’ve got a delightful sneak peek to tide you over. In the video below, Katie quizzes her guest in a speed round of fascinating questions, including his celebrity crush, the most important book he’s ever read, his go-to guilty pleasure, and a friendly (but definitely competitive) comparison of their respective pickleball skills.

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